Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 2, Ep 7-12

MP4 Video

171 Minutes

MP4 Video


Creation Magazine LIVE! builds the faith of viewers by showing how the latest scientific discoveries wonderfully support the Bible, especially the creation account in Genesis.

The entire Season 2 comprises 24 episodes which are available by …

  • Purchasing this product of six MP4 downloadable video files. The remainder of the Season 4 video downloads are also available by purchasing three additional download products (see Related Products).
  • All Creation Magazine LIVE! videos are available to view online, free of charge, at

This product includes 6 x 330mb 720p MP4 video files (totalling about 2gb) which need to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

Episodes 7–12 included in this product are …

Continental drift and the Bible
Have the continents moved apart? If so, when? Creationist Antonio Snider, the first person to publish on continental drift proposed that the continents separated during the Flood. Today his original idea is backed by cutting-edge computer modelling.

The relationship between faith and science
What is the nature of the relationship between faith and science? Can the apparent separation between science and faith ever be eliminated? Many scientists are convinced that evolution happened, does that mean it did?

Dinosaurs and humans — did they live together?
What fossil evidence supports dinosaurs and humans living at the same time? Do scientists ever find dinosaurs buried with animals that were not supposed to have evolved yet?

Aliens and UFOs — What are they really?
How should Christians react to stories of strange lights in the sky and terrifying night time abductions? Aliens and UFOs and the Bible, in this episode.

Where do the fossils fit?
How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation “very good”? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. FInd the answers in this mind expanding episode.

Marvellous molecular machines
Through eye-popping computer animation, based on recent scientific discoveries, this episode explores amazing biological machines at work in our bodies.

No part of this can be reproduced without permission.

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