Advanced Physics in Creation

1st Edition.

Soft Cover
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Product Audience:
High School-Adult


Dr Jay Wile

Soft Cover


Prerequisites: Physics, Pre-calculus

In order to take this course, a student must have already completed a high school physics course, preferably Exploring Creation with Physics. In addition to a first-year physics course, the student must have also completed a trigonometry course in order to take Advanced Physics in Creation. The course provides detailed descriptions of kinematics, dynamics, rotational motion, gravity, oscillations, waves, optics, thermal physics, electrical forces, electrical potential, DC circuits, magnetic forces, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. The student is also given an introduction to the fascinating topics of special relativity and general relativity.

The hardcover student text contains all student material, study questions, experiments and extra practice problems.

Supporting documents that can be downloaded, viewed and/or printed (PDF file format):

This resource is part of the Exploring Creation Series from Apologia.

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