The Faces of Origins

A Historical Survey of the Underlying Assumptions from the Early Church to Postmodernism

Soft Cover
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David Herbert

Soft Cover


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“History books, including most school text books, imply that, when Darwin burst on the world scene in 1859 with his book The Origins of Species, he took the world by storm and, soon, the world converted from creationism to evolutionism. The conversion was, it is usually implied if not stated directly, due solely to pure scientific discovery and research. In fact, the story is quite different, as Dr. Herbert eloquently documents in this excellent book. Theology has much to do with the development of Darwinism and, probably, was the major reason behind the ‘Darwinian’ revolution, not empirical science.”
Jerry Bergman Ph.D.

Note: Due to a printing fault in the initial batch of this book, the ink used on the covers is easily marked, resulting in a slightly ‘scuffed’ appearance. The inside text and the readability of the book is unaffected. The publisher has given us a rebate on this stock allowing us to reduce the price of the book in allowance for this error.

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