Bioethics + Battle for the Mind DVD pack

Two DVD pack


Product Status:

Product Audience:
High School-Adult



Pack includes the two DVD products …

Battle for the Mind
48 minute DVD by Philip Bell [30-9-592]
The creation/evolution debate is much more than a disagreement about scientific evidence. It is really a battle for hearts and minds, waged at the level of history.
In his impassioned message to an Australian church, Philip Bell considers reasons why people’s confidence in the Bible and in God is being increasingly challenged today. The wisdom of Scripture is contrasted with that of our increasingly secular world—such worldly thinking tends to change with the times and this impacts our understanding of science as well as that of the Christian faith. Foundations matter, so Creation matters! Differing worldviews make a huge difference to science, morality and the Gospel itself.

56 minute DVD by Dr Jonathan Sarfati [30-9-659]
With his usual clarity, Dr Jonathan Sarfati shows how controversial ethical issues can be resolved if God’s Word, especially Genesis, is understood properly. This talk covers topics such as:

  • Animal welfare vs animal rights
  • Eugenics and euthanasia
  • Abortion
  • Cloning and stem cells
  • Many more …

He also reveals the ethical horrors resulting from an evolutionary worldview.

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