The Babel Mentality - Unlimited Streaming

Climate models, the Ice Age and the age of the earth

Streaming Video
Product Status:

2016 Super Camp (Australia)

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Dr Craig Russell

54 Minutes

Streaming Video


Is evidence of a warming climate proof that humanity is to blame? What’s so bad about a warmer world? Is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere such a bad thing?

Has there been reasoned debate over the concern of man-made climate change? It has been championed as the “Great Moral Quest” of our generation; yet public knowledge of basic climate science is often limited to media reports, and formal debates (that would allow the lay person to distinguish between science and hearsay) have not been encouraged. An overwhelming appeal to authority has been made to satisfy the claim that “the science is settled”, yet on-going public and scientific disquiet would suggest otherwise.

Is there evidence of a prior ice-age? What might have caused such an event? Does this suggest that the earth’s climate system is inherently unstable? Could human impacts on the environment drive the climate system to a tipping point?

Those who understand the biblical revelation of the early earth’s true history have definite answers to these questions.

This illustrated presentation was recorded at the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp in front of a live audience.

List of all video formats from the 2016 Australian Creation SuperCamp

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