Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 4, Ep 7-12

MP4 Video

Richard Fangrad, Calvin Smith

171 Minutes

MP4 Video


Creation Magazine LIVE! builds the faith of viewers by showing how the latest scientific discoveries wonderfully support the Bible, especially the creation account in Genesis.

The entire Season 4 comprises 24 episodes which are available by …

  • Purchasing this product of six MP4 downloadable video files. The remainder of the Season 4 video downloads are also available by purchasing three additional download products (when available they will be visible under Related products below).
  • All Creation Magazine LIVE! videos are available to view online, free of charge, at

This product includes 6 x 330mb 720p MP4 video files (totalling about 2gb) which need to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can watch it. The software/program needed to watch the video will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

Episodes 7–12 included in this product are …

•  The key to understanding the creation/evolution debate

If the creation/evolution debate was simply about empirical science, the debate would have been over with years ago. So, why is it that the debate continues? Why can't people from opposing views understand the other person's position? Learn the key concept that will unlock your understanding of the origins debate.
•  How theistic evolution affects Christian theology
Some evolution-believing Christians have declared that the theory of evolution is compatible with the Christian faith. Can evolution be blended with the Bible? This episode takes a close look at the damage this kind of thinking has inflicted on the church, Christian theology and the average person's perception of God.
•  The key to understanding the age of the earth debate
Biological evolution is a far less controversial topic among Christians than the age of the earth. But one event recorded in the Bible is the key to understanding the majority of the issues people have with the idea of 'millions of years'.
•  Amazing design in animals
Even evolutionist Richard Dawkins agrees "We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully 'designed' to have come into existence by chance." However, the truth is 'design' indicates a 'designer', and natural selection is inadequate to explain the amazing creatures featured on today's show.
•  Will the real creationists please stand up?
There are a variety of views on creation that could be called the 'creationist' view. Whether Christians hold to the Gap Theory, Day Age Theory, Framework Hypothesis or Biblical (Young Earth) Creation, they all believe their interpretation is correct. Which one is correct? Find out who the real creationists are as we sort through the issues on today's show.
•  The Trojan Horse of 'deep time'
In the famous tale from Homer's "Odyssey" the fortress of Troy was defeated by the Greek army leaving a large wooden horse (secretly filled with soldiers) behind as a supposed gift. The Trojans willingly took it into their city leading to their defeat. Today's episode retraces how 'deep time' infiltrated the church in a similar way, and led to the lack of biblical authority we see today.

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